7 June 2024, 13:02 UTCWorks on my machine / buy a subscription today!
Looks like Elasticsearch releases are tested internally on Docker.
Testing the release on customers infra and post hoc updating release notes is efficient.
Just ask Microsoft who constitutes the beta tester group.
What is a little reputation burn going to do to the brand over time anyway?

16 April 2024, 14:39 UTCNginx tidbits
Just a spot to drop easily forgotten stuff due to my under use.
Config test:
nginx -t
Server alias names:
Just add the aliases on the server_name line. The first one is the canonical name
(don't forget the semicolon).
In the default (alpha-numerically) config the default_server can be useful.
Processing order for Nginx:
17 January 2024, 19:05 UTCAntiquated web
Google says anybody using current RFC's that they don't care for is using the "antiquated and inconsistent web".
It is probably harder to exert power over a decentralized system like that given their need for dominance.
Such a shame that they are forced to play in the sandbox with others.
A sandbox built by a collaborative effort of many of others.
A sandbox which was designed and built prior to Googles arrival.
I wonder what became of CompuServe?
25 July 2023, 19:12 UTCOther stuff I forget
Check for http/2 support using curl:
curl -Iks https://websi.te
Only have Python 3 in your docker image and want to resolve a host?
import socket socket.getaddrinfo("host.na.me", 80, proto=socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
28 October 2022, 14:49 UTCOpenSSL - silent all these years...
Were you enjoying the OpenSSL relatively quiet reprieve since Heartbleed?
Probably time to clear your schedule on Monday and Tuesday (or heck just clear the weekend) 10/29/2022 - 11/1/2022
The OpenSSL 3.0.x versions should be updated/patched - OpenSSL 1.1.1 need not apply
Happy fall patching season to you all!
26 October 2022, 20:52 UTCSlow queries after importing an older MySQL dump to MariaDB?
The problem might be a big table (many rows) but 0 Cardinality...
use dbname; show index in tablename; | Table... | Cardinality | | tablename| 0 |
Fix the table(s):
use dbname; ANALYZE TABLE tablename;
mysqlcheck -a dbname show index in tablename; | Table... | Cardinality | | tablename| 12345 |
4 October 2022, 16:34 UTCClown school SMTP
Mistakes were made...
Subject: SendGrid Incident - Mail Processing Delays - 3 October 2022 MAIL PROCESSING DELAYS Incident status: Monitoring Our engineers identified the problem and implemented a mitigation, but unfortunately, some of the delayed emails were lost during the process and could not be resent. Customers affected may notice that emails expected to be sent were processed or deferred but no further information about the status of the emails will be available.
27 September 2022, 15:42 UTCDon't take a data leak
In the cloud.
It will rain down on others. And they won't appreciate it.
26 September 2022, 22:02 UTCssh rsa got you down? (Unable to negotiate with X.y.Z.1 port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss) - i.e. sorry I can't do that Dave?
Chuck this in your ~/.ssh/config :
Host X.y.Z.1 User da-user PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
31 August 2022, 21:34 UTCCan't connect using mysqlsh as the mysql root user?
Did you want to run the update checker and get stopped dead?
mysqlsh --mysql -u root -h localhost -P 3306 --database=somedatabase MySQL Error 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
If your root user is using an auth type other than "mysql_native_password",
You might have better luck adding a user with the correct PRIV and auth user type.
Hint: If you use Debian / Ubuntu, you can use the debian-sys-maint user
Search for debian-sys-maint for info on where to find the password for that user / reset it.
Plow ahead with:
9 August 2022, 20:53 UTCEmail - magic of the elders?
22 May 2022, 1:34 UTCXfinity - I can't believe it's not internet access!
13 April 2022, 19:54 UTCDNS CNAME record conflicts with other types
6 December 2021, 15:46 UTCDo you git it?
4 October 2021, 19:12 UTCgetaddrinfo(whois.registrarsafe.com): Temporary failure in name resolution
30 August 2021, 16:04 UTCThe internet is a hostile place...
11 May 2021, 14:54 UTCDist upgrade and still getting nagware?
21 April 2021, 19:29 UTCMoving old LAMP's around and hitting errors?
30 March 2021, 22:44 UTCMigration of Concrete5 stuff (and Laravel) to newer servers
2 March 2021, 19:39 UTCPython easy convert ip_ntoa using the ipaddress module
12 January 2021, 14:16 UTCDashboards.
4 January 2021, 17:56 UTCDigitalOcean, snapshots and restores.
16 December 2020, 20:49 UTCShorten it up Google.
14 December 2020, 16:19 UTCGreat timing idiots Re: Solarigate / SUNBURST and firing Chris Krebs.
18 November 2020, 21:06 UTCNetwork Policy Server logging - Windows Server 2016 dyslexia
17 July 2020, 15:19 UTCRemember, one programs stderr is...
17 July 2020, 14:27 UTCIf you run a mail server...
2 July 2020, 16:53 UTCStupid vm stuff
5 May 2020, 17:31 UTCPoor form - logging stack traces without context
29 April 2020, 16:09 UTCPros are just amateurs who know how to gracefully recover from their mistakes.