If you find that you can't install an old enough browser to run the unstable as hell VMWare Server web interface and associated console, here are some tricks:
To find what is running: vmrun -T server -h https://host:8333/sdk -u username -p password list To re-register the vm (if you had a corrupt file you needed to fix): vmrun -T server -h https://host:8333/sdk -u username -p password register "[standard] host.domain.example/host.domain.example.vmx" To finally (hopefully run it again) vmrun -T server -h https://host:8333/sdk -u username -p password start "[standard] host.domain.example/host.domain.example.vmx"
The web management tool is worthless (mostly was from the get go). The plugin does not load in current browsers and it sure as hell does not suffer a corrupt vm definition.
My luck with Libvirt / KVM has been far better from a management standpoint - and as an added bonus, no stupid license key issues with KVM that you have with VMWare Server.